DB Kang Sang-jae's 'Captain' for another year, "Again with the goal of winning the championship!"

Kang Sang-jae, 30, who was considered the biggest free agent, will continue to wear green uniforms. Kang, who will also serve as captain for one more season, will try again to win the championship with his players.

Kang Sang-jae became an off-season FA and signed a five-year contract with DB for a total of 700 million won in compensation. Kang Sang-jae, who successfully switched position three times (small forward) last season, led his team to win the regular league title, going back and forth inside and outside. Naturally, DB focused on catching Kang Sang-jae in the FA market, and Kang chose to accompany him.

"DB recognized my value and offered me a good suggestion," said Kang Sang-jae, who remains in the DB. "I concluded the contract easily. I think my skills have been upgraded thanks to coach Kim Joo-sung and coaches. Fans are cheering for me. I wanted to continue playing basketball happily in Wonju."

Kang, who led the team well last season, continues to wear the captain's armband as well. "The coach told me to keep on wearing the captain's armband," Kang said smiling, "I was worried because it was my first time as captain last season, but I was happy because the players followed me well. I think I will be able to do well again this time." 토토사이트 모음

New faces such as Kim Si-rae, Lee Kwan-hee and Park Bong-jin are also joining the team. "I look forward to the new faces as well. Both (Kim) Sirae and (Lee) Kwan-hee are seasoned. Park Bong-jin is also a very hard worker. (Didrick) Lawson is gone, but (Chinanu) Onuaku is coming. Onuaku is confident as he has presence under the basket," Kang said.

He also has clear goals for the upcoming season. "I won the regular league championship, but I was disappointed in the playoffs. Since I won the league, I want to win the championship," Kang said. "As I continue to play for a good team, I want to achieve my goals."

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